Nature reserves
The aim of protection is the maintenance of the forest lowland ecosystem with the habitats of rare plant and animal species.
Areas of protected landscapes
The area of Sława Śląska Forest District is included in four areas of protected landscape.
Natura 2000 areas
European Ecological Network Natura 2000 is a kind of system of areas connected one with each other by ecological corridors. These areas form together a coherent ecological network, of which basic task is prevention of biodiversity. It happens through protection of the most valuable and the most rare nature elements.
Natural monuments
On the area of Sława Forest District 33 nature monuments exist, 29 of animate and 4 of inanimate nature.
Ecological sites
Ecological sites are the Romains of ecosystems that deserve protection and are of great importance for maintenance of biological diversity, f. ex. mid-forest water ponds, swamps, mosses and sites of rare plant, animal and mushroom species.