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Restoration of forestry production potential destroyed by natural disasters and introduction of preventive measures

Sława Śląska Forestry Authorities signed two contracts with the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture with the registered seat in Warsaw, at al. Jana Pawła II 70, as part of Measure 226: Restoration of forestry production potential destroyed by natural disasters and introduction of preventive measures, Rural Development Programme 2007–2013.


  1. A contract for PLN 3,821,143, with the objective of Restitution of natural and production potential of the forest damaged by fire through reconstruction combined with modernisation of forest roads on the land managed by PGL LP, and reconstruction/modernisation of fire access routes. The project conducted in Dąbrówno, Strzeszków, and Grochowice forest divisions concerned reconstruction of forest roads and fire access routes. Nos 3, 5, and 9 in the forest divisions mentioned above.
  2. A contract for PLN 3,400,000, with the objective of Restitution of natural and production potential of the forest damaged by wind through reconstruction combined with modernisation of forest roads on the land managed by PGL LP. The project will be conducted in  Świętno forest division, on a forest road that is not a fire access route.